All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 in total
Stop Wasting Money On A Website
You continue to dump valuable resources into your website, but you don't send people to it, or worse, you're still working on it. You're stuck in a vicious cycle of s...

8 Website Gaps Costing You Revenue
Still wondering why folks aren't purchasing your latest service or product? No idea why people are leaving your site without even checking out your video or blog? Ch...

Which Platform Is For You?
Jumping on platforms to create your website isn't always an easy choice. Often times we focus on the wrong things when deciding where to build our online businesses. ...

When to DIY or Hire A Pro
Have a project you are working on or need to get off the ground? Unsure if you should DIY or Hire a Pro to help you? This episode is all about knowing when to do eit...

Know Who You Need: Website Designer, Developer, or Architect
Ever wondered what the difference was between a website designer, developer, and an architect? These terms are tossed around, but few people know the full distinction...

Do You Even Need A Website?
The ultimate bottom-line response is: YES! However, the realistic and relevant response is are you ready to launch a website? Perhaps you need something basic, or yo...

What Should Your Website Strategy Look Like
Everyone talks about creating a strategy, but do they actually break it down for you on why and how? In this episode, we will cover some main reasons why creating a W...

The Two Worlds of WordPress: .ORG vs .COM
WordPress has two different worlds (.org and .com) and it can be a little confusing. This episode is all about helping to clarify the differences so you can make the ...

Why Your Brand Isn't Bringing In Bank
All too often we Solopreneurs & Small Business Owners get so excited to launch our businesses and refer to ourselves as "Brands" that we fail to recognize the Failure ...

Welcome to Transform Clicks To Profit
Hey y'all! I’m Charlene V. Brown of Bklyn Custom Designs. Welcome to Transform Clicks To Profit: the Podcast. Each episode is focused on helping you understand the im...